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dr2o News en-US Sun, 16 Feb 2025 12:02:15 +0100 http://www.dr2o.eu http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSS http://www.dr2o.eu/images/screenlogo.PNGdr2o Logo Balance Sheet Since friday you can get the balance sheet of dr2o view. Here you can find all the receipts and expenditures of dr2o. Also on the site will all donors who support dr2o be listed.

The balance sheet is also in the mobile version.

http://www.forum.dr2o.eu/news-f9/#11 http://www.dr2o.eu#11 http://www.forum.dr2o.eu/news-f9/
Screenshots Since Thursday you can find screenshots from the current development view. There are still so far not many but there are more of the time.

http://www.forum.dr2o.eu/news-f9/#10 http://www.dr2o.eu#10 http://www.forum.dr2o.eu/news-f9/
No more wrong display

http://www.forum.dr2o.eu/news-f9/#9 http://www.dr2o.eu#9 http://www.forum.dr2o.eu/news-f9/
dr2o in French Since Yesterday dr2o is now also available in French. But some errors are still available. Who finds spelling errors like this may be allowed to the team forward to remedy.

http://www.forum.dr2o.eu/news-f9/#8 http://www.dr2o.eu#8 http://www.forum.dr2o.eu/news-f9/
3D Designer Wanted We are looking for 3D designers, who can create images and short video clips of units and buildings. There are non-binding sketches to many units, in which you can turn, complete own creations are possible, too, of course.
We do not need professionals, we prefer to take beginners who take much pleasure in their work and are resolved to improve their knowledge s by "learning by doing". According to this, young people (from about 12 years) are welcomed, too. The age of the current team is between 15 and 27 years.

You work in a team, and all communication is via a forum and a wiki. Anyone can propose his ideas undependent of in what area he is operating ( Equality ;-) ).

We all operate this project in our free time in order to improve ourselves and to do something meaningful. We are fed up of browser games which either are copys with another look or were just made lovelessly. Also we are annoyed of browser games where you only get an extention if you pay for it. Since only beeing upset is useless, we decided to take the keyboard in our hands and to create a new unique game with our ideas together.

Internal everything runs friendly and relaxed, you discuss the ideas and their implementation. When you has problems or dont know what to do, you simply asked in the forum or a member via Messenger.

If you are interested and you can read and write German you can contact us via the form in "jobs @ dr2o". You have a question? You can ask using the forum or write a short mail.

No idea of 3d designing but interrested? No problem, just look under "jobs @ dr2o" whether what is matched to you.

http://www.forum.dr2o.eu/news-f9/#7 http://www.dr2o.eu#7 http://www.forum.dr2o.eu/news-f9/
Teamsite Recently, we finished the teamsite. You can now always find out who works all on dr2o. You want found you on the teamsite, too? - Look at Jobs @ DR2o.

http://www.forum.dr2o.eu/news-f9/#6 http://www.dr2o.eu#6 http://www.forum.dr2o.eu/news-f9/
Dr2o get mobile DR2o is now under http://www.dr2o.mobi also in a mobile device optimized version. The fixes include a reduction in loadtime, and a simpler and smaller structure.

http://www.forum.dr2o.eu/news-f9/#5 http://www.dr2o.eu#5 http://www.forum.dr2o.eu/news-f9/
Happy New Year! The DR2o team would like to wish all visitors a happy new year.
Maybe this will be the year in which the first playable version of DR2o online.

http://www.forum.dr2o.eu/news-f9/#4 http://www.dr2o.eu#4 http://www.forum.dr2o.eu/news-f9/
FAQ area completed. On the FAQ page which you can ask us to the most frequently arrive After reading. If your question by the FAQ is not answered, then you can be happy they write in the forum.

http://www.forum.dr2o.eu/news-f9/#3 http://www.dr2o.eu#3 http://www.forum.dr2o.eu/news-f9/
News system as a Christmas gift Just in time for Christmas, we present to you a news system.
Here you can now read all the news.
The news system is multilingual, but there are no translations 1:1, as the news articles in every language freely and written by different authors. Moreover, it may happen that some news only determine the language area.

For those who are too lazy their news on different sides to seek, or the news on its own website, we want to show you an RSS feed provided automatically updated.

http://www.forum.dr2o.eu/news-f9/#1 http://www.dr2o.eu#1 http://www.forum.dr2o.eu/news-f9/